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NAtutal healing with Reiki. Reiki (ray-key) is a Japanese word for Universal Life Force and a system of natural healing that channels Reiki through the hands. It is known by many names.The traditional Asian medical paradigm views injury, dysfunction and disease as manifesting when subtle energies are weak, distorted or out-of-balance. Tai Chi, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Hatha Yoga, Shiatsu, Polarity, Macrobiotics, Radionics, and herbal remedies are means of optimizing subtle auric and internal energies. Reiki accesses the source of Life to heal the self and others on spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. Reiki allows the source of well-being to enhance and balance natural life forces through non-intrusive therapeutic touch. Health maintenance, pain relief, mental quietude and healing result from its application.

Reiki augments and accelerates the healing process. It can be effective in cases that do not respond to other forms of treatment. It can be used in conjunction with any other therapeutic modality.

Creative energy is the essence of all healing. Dr. Albert Schweitzer said, "We physicians do nothing, we only help and encourage the physician within."

Reiki is a spiritual power that came with the Buddha's enlightenment. He gave that gift to his students along with meditation techniques which were the means of his self-realization. In the late 1800's a specific formula for accessing Universal Life Force was discovered in some Sanskrit sutras found in a Kyoto zendo by a scholar seeking knowledge of what the Buddha taught about healing. Mikao Usui was contemplating what he had learned when he received a transcendental initiation, the results of which were the abilities of healing by laying on of the hands and of sending healing over distance. Much later he realized that the experience of God is more essential to fulfillment of the purpose of life than the power of healing.

Reiki is an essence which comes from the Source of Life itself. Since Reiki is multi-dimensional it can be a catalytic factor in personal evolution no matter what beliefs are held. The experience of Reiki is a vehicle to becoming conscious of your own being regardless of faith or concepts.

The innate ability to channel healing energy through the hands is awakened through a series of direct transmission initiations which attune and align energy centers in the body and hands. Reiki is not a system of religious beliefs. The world does not need another.

Anyone can learn Reiki; it is very simple.


� ..relieves stress and pain.

� ..relaxes muscle spasms.

� ..releases emotional blockages.

� ..accelerates natural healing.

� ..stimulates the immune system.

� ..balances subtle body energies.

� beyond belief.

� ..can be used in conjunction with any other therapeutic modality.

� effective on chronic and acute illness or injury.

� ..can be learned by anyone.

� ..uses laying on of the hands.

� ..can be sent over any distance.

� a means of sharing love.

� completely safe and benign.

� ..protects the practitioner.

� Universal Life Force.


Boku no Blog said...

Its good articles..Thanks and visit back me more..
Good luck!

Reiki Guru said...

Brahma Satya Reiki is a self-evolved name for an applied spirituality pathway. The system relates to deep study and practice of principles of universal brotherhood and love and in coalition with the universal energy called Reiki. This spreads wellness, knowledge, truth, trust and righteous growth through the active use of naturally flowing universal core energy.This universal core energy is referred as Shiva-Shakti.We call this Brahma Satya Reiki also.It is this very balanced core energy that forms the basis of attaining the self-realized goal of complete wellness relating to body, mind and spirit.

System Brahma Satya is engaged in providing quality spiritual trainings, services and products. These brahma satya reiki trainings, services and products are imparted or made available to interested people through internet and direct visit of certified trainers and founder himself.

System Brahma Satya emphasizes upon the practical usage of its spiritual concepts upon the areas of varying real needs relating to physical health (chronic, acute, incurable, infectious, emergency or even beauty enhancement), emotional & mental balance and wellness (anger, impatience, anxiety, fear, worry, depression, aggression, prosperity, greed, memory, concentration, peace, happiness, relationships, work, career, business, restlessness, relaxation or even education) and spiritual growth (astrological influences, aura management, chakra refinement, being alignment, ancestral blessing, karmic dissolution, ascension and self-realization). Brahma Satya Reiki has been immensely influential in changing lives of people positively. Healees have declared it much powerful than Usui Reiki.


Brahma Satya Reiki Mission : To have an individual realization awakened towards knowing the existing unity in within all creation; and thus make a truly worthwhile contribution in creating a confident dynamism in every individual that continues to spread the light of compassionate love and truth righteously creating and establishing firmly strong structures of universal complete wellness for one and all.

Vision: It is so happening, every single moment!

Come and Join Us! In this movement of Light and Love! Help Us Spread System Brahma Satya through Brahma Satya Reiki!

Through the Lessons of Learning; The Services of Care; And, the Products of Utility, A revolution has begun ad spreading in a innovative breakthrough form - BRAHMA SATYA REIKI.

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